
JoseVM avatar image
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JoseVM asked JoseVM commented

3D Logic vs PF Logic (batches)

Hello everyone,

I am working in a simulation trying to compare two analogue process: one of them set with 3D logic and the other one set with PF logic. The simulation consist of various batches that must be transported in batches but processed individually. To do that I use combiner and separators (see model motores-electricos.fsm)

As I want the batches to be respected in the combiner, I used some code in the Combiner "OnEntry Trigger" that I used to use in previous versions of Flexsim (I know that there are some minor problems with that code, but it does not matter too much because it is working anyway). This code makes the items to be grouped according to the third column of the "Lotes" table.

However, in the PF case, this code is not respected, and the model turns a little bit crazy. I would like the combiner to wait until all the items with the same type are grouped, and then the batch moves to the separator, just like in Torno_A. I guess it is problem of coding, as I tried to translate most of it from the old Flexscript language to the new one (I am not used to the new one yet). I wonder if anyone could tell me how to set the PF part (Torno B and combiner) in order to make it work as the 3D logic process.

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 19.0.1
process flowcombinerlogicbatches
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
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Brandon Peterson answered JoseVM commented

@José VM

Your problem is occurring because you are moving objects into a combiner that has no input port connections. The combiner's default code is based around those port connections and without them it is not executing correctly. I can see two possible options for you to get your model working the way you want.

The first option would be to connect two queues to the combiner (input1 and input2). You could then set the combiner up exactly as you had before. You would need to change your process flow logic to create the pallet in the input1 queue and to unload the items into the input 2 queue.

The second option would be to not use a combiner but instead use a queue and replicate the combining with the process flow. This would mean creating the pallet in the queue and unloading the items into the pallet. You would need to modify the flow logic on the queue such that it does not release the pallet until the process flow allows it. Or you could not have a port connection from the queue to the separator and move it via a process flow activity.


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