
Farah A avatar image
Farah A asked Farah A commented

how can i model this station ?


For my graduation project , i want to create a digital twin of a distibution station controlled by PLC. I am really new with Flexsim and doing my best to get familiar with it.

in my model, there's an ejecting cylinder that eject pieces from a magazine containing workpieces, then, a swivel drive will pick the workpiece from the magazine and move it to a downstream station. I need it to work step by step (sequencely ) and not simultaneously. I am struggling with the process flow logic and can't find help in tutorials to model this.

My model has sensors and actuators controlling position and work order of swivel drive, ejecting cylinder,.... the problem is, decision points that should represent sensors works only with conveyor system. and there is no conveyors in my system , how can i do that.

also , the magazine should contains at most, 8 pieces, and it's controlled by a photoeye barrier if it's empty or filled.

Here's a picture of the distibution station


and here's my basic model so far


i hope i can get some help and support

FlexSim 19.2.0
process flowdecision pointslogicplc emulationsensors
capture.png (126.6 KiB)
dist.fsm (78.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
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Benjamin W2 answered Farah A commented

Hi @Farah A,

Have you thought about using process flow? It will allow you to add a high degree of customization to your model. I've added several links below that should help you with your project. I think that the Zone activity could be very useful to this situation.

I hope this helps!

Process Flow Basics:

Zone Activity:

Process Flow Tutorials:

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