
Alejandro Ulises TP avatar image
Alejandro Ulises TP asked Isaac Litster commented

How to resume the item once the item flow arrives a decision point?

presentacion-run-test-ac2.fsmIm having trouble with the decision points, i want to resume the item flow waiting at DP1 once the item flows arrive at DP4 or DP5, anyone know how to do it?

FlexSim 18.1.1
process flowconveyorsdecision points
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José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered Isaac Litster commented

Hello @Alejandro Ulises TP,

I attached a model. I added a "Decide" and then another wait for event.

I hope I have been helpful.


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Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Alejandro Ulises TP commented

Here's your model with some changes to it. It looked like you were trying to do round robin sending in the first place, so I connected DP2 and DP3 to DP1, then had it send items round robin. I added a different process flow and disconnected your other one to see if the changes I made are what you wanted. Hope this works for you.


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