
Mohamed Slama avatar image
Mohamed Slama asked Sam Stubbs commented

How to use a msg parameter in a wait for event ?


In my model, I am using an onmessage event in a wait for event trigger.

I want to use the value of the message parameter to decrease this value from a previous value in a label in the process flow instance.

So In my model, when the photoeye will be "OnBlock" or "OnClear" it will send a message to the corresponding processflow instance (plane), and in the 'wait for event' I want to use the value of this message parameter to decrease this value from the "stopped" label in this instance.

Thank you,


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process flowlabelswait for eventonmessage triggermessage param
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

You can assign the msg parameter to a label on your token, using the label table in the Wait for Event activity properties. You'll notice that one of the table options for an OnMessage trigger, is the Msg Param from the message. Just assign this value to a label name of your choosing, and then you can use it in your logic.

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