
Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann asked jing.c commented

robot motion paths

Does anybody have an idea of how to make the Robot taking different paths for different options by using process flow activitys?

I want to make the Robot driving always another set of paths (some are similar, some are different) and I have to start some Actions when Robot finished a path, so I can´t just build one big path.

Actually I don´t load or unload Items at all. It´s more a Travel relative because the Robot should drive around an object, after it arrives.

FlexSim 16.1.0
process flowrobotmotion paths
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1 Answer

Marco Baccalaro avatar image
Marco Baccalaro answered jing.c commented

First, you have to create Motion Paths (from the first tab on Robot Properties), better if using planner item. Any of these paths has a path number. Then, in your Process Flow use the custom task activity and the "Travel Relative" Task Type. As "End Speed" write the number of the Motion Path that you have created (a negative number).

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