
Piotr R avatar image
Piotr R asked Piotr R commented

how to define the work of the robot by using Process Flow ?

Hello !

The robot in my model picks the pallets and loads them onto the combiner. Then it stays close to the combiner like he's controlling the work on Combiner. What im trying to do is make the robot leave the combiner and take instantly another pallet. Then it should wait until combiner is empty and then unlad the pallet. It will speed up my process. I tried to make a logic in process flow but it doesnt work.


I have also a few more question about my model. How i can comunicate with Flexsim Partners excluding this forum ?

Thank you for interest ! ;)

FlexSim 19.0.2
process flowrobot
problem.png (354.5 KiB)
modelv1.fsm (61.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Piotr R commented

Here I have attached your updated model with logic that will tell the Robot to return to a location when it's done with its task. I used an On Resource Available trigger and then set the x, y, and z locations to that of the queue. You may adjust these if you'd like to try and get the robot arm closer to the pallet itself. Here's an image of where to find the logic:

And here's the updated model: robot-resource-available.fsm

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