
Ana Ta avatar image
Ana Ta asked Sam Stubbs answered

Using robot with process flow

I am actually trying to use robots for moving the objects from a conveyor to another conveyor and I would like to send the items to the specific conveyor by using global table in which we can choose the final destination of each object (e.g. at the end of each conveyor I would like to put three different Queues which accept a certain item types). I would like to do it using the process flow. Unfortunately, since I am new to flexsim I don't know how to start to do it using process flow. Is there anybody can give me a hint?

I also attached a model which is working without using process flow and global table.

Thanks a lot,

FlexSim 17.2.1
process flowrobot
conveyor.fsm (50.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

I've updated your model with a very basic Process Flow that sorts the items as you described. Basically what happens, is there is a trigger on the first Descison Point, that causes a token to be created in the Process Flow. The token then steps through some logic, where it assigns a Destination label. Now because you want it based on a Global Table look up, this is what I did:

First I assigned a label "destString" which is the string that is the name of the Queue you had listed in the table. Which is as follows:

  1. Table("destination")[token.Item.Type]["destination"]

This grabs the string on the table based on the item's type as Row, and the destination column. Then I centerport connected your Queues to their respective DPs. Then the second label is assigned as a reference to the DP destination. So it takes the string we assigned, looks in the model for an object with the same name as the string, and sends the item on the conveyor to the centerport connected DP to that object. The code is as follows:

  1. model().find(token.destString).as(Object).centerObjects[1]

Then we just use a code activity, and using the picklist options just send the item to the destination dp on the conveyor.


conveyorexample.fsm (53.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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