
Nathan H5 avatar image
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Nathan H5 asked Ryan Clark commented

Tasks still assigned to off shift resource

I have an operators group where the operators are on time table schedules. I am using the travel to location and then delay function for when the resource goes off shift/on break. For some reason my resources that are off shift are still getting tasks assigned to them, so the task has to wait until the resource starts their shift to be processed. How do I make sure that only operators that are on shift are getting tasks assigned to them.

FlexSim 21.2.4
resourcesscheduled down
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
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Ryan Clark answered

Hi @Nathan H5,

I don't think that your query suggestion would work, but you should be able to use preemption logic in your ProcessFlow to accomplish what you want. See Preemption ( for more information on how to do this.

As an alternative to this, you could add some logic to your "Break" section of your process flow. As the operator is going on break, you could acquire the resource associated with that operator, then execute the travel to location and delay activities. Then, when the break has concluded, you could release the resource to make the operator available for other tasks.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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