
Luis M44 avatar image
Luis M44 asked Joerg Vogel commented

simulate waiting lines

Greetings I have an example of waiting lines but how can I simulate according to the instructions of the exercise I already have an example but I do not think it is right, can you correct me there please

Customers on a line

Western National Bank is considering opening a service for customers to pay from their car. Management estimates that customers will arrive at a rate of 15 per hour. The teller who will work the counter can serve customers at a rate of one every three minutes.

Assuming the arrivals are Poisson and the service is exponential, find:

1. The use of the ATM.

2. The average number of cars in the waiting line.

3. The average number in the system.

4. The average waiting time on the line.

5. Average waiting time in the system, including service


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