
James Riebau avatar image
James Riebau asked James Riebau answered

Why is my model freezing?

Can anyone help me with my attached model? It always freezes around the 575,000 sec point in my model. I've slowed the model down and pinpointed the problem to be at the point where an operator is unloading an item to a queue, but have know idea why its happening. It happens regardless of how fast I run the model, and I never get any error messages.




WAT_Model_wo background.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.0
· 1
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1 Answer

James Riebau avatar image
James Riebau answered
I did that to simulate the operator getting on the tow motor, but not necessary at all. I removed all of those change visuals, and the model runs perfect now. Thanks for helping me identify problem.
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