
Madeline Z avatar image
Madeline Z asked Madeline Z commented

why does FlexSim freeze my computer when the file gets to a certain point?

When I'm creating this production line in FlexSim, I go to put in a robot and suddenly my computer freezes and starts running really slow. It's not just FlexSim, it's my entire computer. Is there a certain reason for this that I could fix? Does anyone has any solutions for this?

FlexSim 19.0.0
freezingfrozenslow computer
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Madeline Z commented

Hi @Madeline Z,

I'm guessing if you were to open Windows task manager at that time to view your PC's resource utilization, you would find that FlexSim is using 100% of your CPU (or 50% for a dual-core computer, or 25% on a quad-core computer, etc).

Does FlexSim's simulation clock continue to run and the simulation continue, albeit slowly? Or does the simulation freeze?

It may just be related to your model, its data, the way the model was built, possible lookups going on in the simulation, etc. You may just have a very complex model with a lot going on. If that is the case, there may be ways to simplify the model, or to approach the problem in a different, more efficient way.

On the other hand, there could be some sort of error in your model that causes an infinite loop or other issue that freezes your model and maxes out your PC's CPU.

Without the model file we can only guess. If you can share your model file by attaching it to your post, please do so. We would be able to give you more specific help. If you can't share it publicly, you could create a new, private question to attach your model to. Private questions, along with their attachments, answers, etc, are visible only to FlexSim US.

If the model can't be shared, you could also check out some common steps to solving model freezing issues, here:

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