
shanice.c avatar image
shanice.c asked Ryan Clark commented

OnMessage in wait for event

Hello everyone, I have two process flows. I'd like to release token waiting in flowA by sending message from flowB. The token in flowA is kept in a wait for event activity and listen to onMessage.

It seems the token is releases but my model has exceptions below. How could I fix it in wait for event activity?1643545501811.png

testonMessage (1).fsm

FlexSim 21.2.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

The problem is not in the WaitforEvent activity, it's in the ill-defined Assign And Send Message.


Your 'toObject' is NULL since it's the second, optional parameter that requires the activity name - not the first. The instance to use in gettoken() would not be "current", and also the token is likely unable to handle the message anyway.

Synchronisation like this is better done using lists - I recommend you try that.

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