
Shuo Zhang avatar image
Shuo Zhang asked Ben Wilson commented

Errors with message trigger


I keep receiving the following error:

time: 830.924241 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage() time: 830.924241 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist(). Throwing. time: 830.924241 exception: Exception caught in Executive::steptotime(). Throwing. time: 830.924241 exception: Exception caught in Executive::tick(). Throwing. time: 830.924241 exception: int runthemessageloop() #4 exception: core->theexecutive.tick(); time: 830.924241 exception: int runthemessagelwarehouse-simulation-v01.fsmoop() #6

The fact is that I have the same onentry-send message onmessage-create flowitem settings in multiple places. But only in one place(sink2 and queue2) it gives me this error. I did looked at the previous post about a similar issue and I changed the delay to be 1 and reopened the model several times. But I still receive the same error. Can someone help me look at it please?

Much thanks in advance!


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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Ben Wilson commented

@Shuo Zhang Because with your onmessage code you create a token which fires the onentry and onexit of the Queue2 so the combiner works and then the pallets with 300 bottles enters queue3. All inside your onmessage code. The problem is that Queue3 had a sendmessage option to a centerport object but there are no centerport connections on that Queue3.

Better to create the flowitem in the onmessage and then use a senddelayed message with a delay 0 to open and close the ports on the queue. That way you break up the chain of commands and makes it easier to debug.

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