
Kylian K avatar image
Kylian K asked Ryan Clark commented

different flow items

question.fsmfor my simulation of a production situation i have the following question.

i have 4 production lanes available working to create 1 total product, this product consists of part a and part b.

if processor 1 is has gotten its product from the source i.e. part A, the processor should know part A takes 10 min. according to this processor 2 needs to know it needs to take part B from the source and that part B should take 12 minutes to process. but i do not want the processor to always take the same part. If processor 1 takes B processor 2 should take A and vice versa.

there should always be 2 of the processors working on A and 2 working on B.

at the end of the simulation there should be a combiner which knows that it always needs product a and b to start, not a and a or b and b.

can anyone help me with this?

i have added the flexsim file to demonstrate but it doesnt hold any of the above mentioned properties, yet.

FlexSim 21.2.4
proces flowmultiple flow items
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Ryan Clark commented

@Kylian K,

I have provided an updated model that shows how to solve your question.

To begin I created a two triggers on the source. The first trigger gives each flow item a label, either type "A" or type "B" and is used to set the process times on the processors. This label is given with a 50% chance to be "A" and a 50% chance to be "B". The second trigger sets the color of the flowItem depending on which type it is. In this case "A" is green and "B" is red. This makes it easier to see what a processor is processing. The source then sends the flowItems out to each processesor sequential by using the round robin if available callout in the output properties. This means that each processor will process both type "A" and type "B" flowItems.

To set the processors processing time by the item type, I used the values by case option within the Processor properties on each processor. This allowed me to say the type "A" took 10 time units to process and type "B" took 12 time units to process. For this model I kept the time units in seconds so that it was easier to see the process flow. You can change the time units to minutes in the processor properties. Once processed, the flowItems were then sent on to the next queue and then the paint processors. The paint processors then separated the flowItem by type using a port by case callout in the output properties. The flowItems were sent into two queues before the combiner. This was necessary to allow the combiner to work.

The combiner can take multiple inputs and package them into a single flowItem. The first input port acts as the container for the final product. I used type "A" flowItems as the container. The second, and all following input ports can be given specific number of items needed to complete the finished product. I used the type "B" flowItems and set the combiner to need 1 flowItem to complete the product. I added a trigger that changed to final product color to orange when the combiner finished processing. I sent these items to a queue and disconnected the sink so that you can see that they were processed. I also added a dashboard so that you can see the number of each type of item processed in the processors to show that that each processor works on each type of item.

I hope this answers your questions.

Question updated.fsm

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