
luis.ramirez avatar image
luis.ramirez asked luis.ramirez commented

Priority in resource list

Hello, I'm working on the model using process flow and list which has four machines grouped into three groups: group one with machines 1 and 3, group two with all the four machines, and group three with machines 1 and 4. There are entering three types of entities, each one attended by a different group of resources.

I hope you can give me an idea of how to prioritize the entities requested for group number 1 and how is the way to prioritize the entities requested by group 4 but first using machine number 4.

model list.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.4
proces flowlistsgroupsprioritization
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered luis.ramirez commented

The attached model shows one way to accomplish this. I added an expression field to the process flow resource that contains all possible processors (simply using group2 as reference since it contains all). This field "indexInGroup" is set as "Dynamic", so it evaluates when something is trying to pull a resource. It returns the rank/index of the currently queried processor in the group determined by a label on the token.


This label is assigned to the token depending on the item's type ("Group1", "Group2" or "Group3"). Now I can use this field in the default query of the resource. Only resources that are part of the group can be chosen ("WHERE indexInGroup > 0") and those are ordered by their rank in the group ("ORDER BY indexInGroup ASC").

Furthermore, a label called "prio" is used for the queue strategy, meaning tokens with a higher priority get to acquire a resource first.



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resourcebyitem.fsm (72.2 KiB)
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