I want to create picking process in warehouse but I got a problem that I don't know how to set process flow
1. Using Global table generate order incomings by random order but identify where item storage (Row Column and Number of Floor Storage to go) reading value from Global table and let operator go follow it.
2.How to create process flow read item or order on global table and batch such batch 5 items then operator will know where to go for 5 items when picked 5 item up already then back to depot and release item on queue. and then if I have 4 operators how to create for one operator responsibility own pick-list-size, such Operator 1 is given 5 pick-list-size then completed it then start a new pick-list-size but each operator not help each others.
3.When I label color on floor storage for determine that where the area is frequently picked, medium picked or never picked and let operator walk into floor storage and random by percent volume-based pickup
Thank You so so much