
Pert P avatar image
Pert P asked Jeanette F commented

Order Picking Process Need your help

This is my demo model Demo Order Picking.fsm

1.I wanna to create Process flow to batch order to pick such in this model I want picker pick all lines order on global table in the one tour when complete go back.

2. I want picker know where to go more that one floor storage but I want to usu global table for determine number of floor storage to go, I try but it's not work. I don't know how to create on process flow to read where floor storage to go and pick by row and column determined.

3.I don't know that in that Flexim can give the program generate number represent orders incoming to pick, if can, How?

4. How to generate storage based-on % to storage, Let say determine source create floowitem to floor strorage by % determined.

Every logics or process I use Process Flow Based-on to do

Thank You for your help.. I stuck in this for long time.

FlexSim 22.0.1
processflowglobal tableorder pickingfloorstorageorder batching
· 1
5 |100000

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