
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Jason Lightfoot commented

way point Delay time trigger logic


I want to give a delay time to WayPoint, but the delay time doesn't apply.

I would like to ask a question about the waypoint delay time trigger logic.

A total of three methods were made for loading, not loading, and always.

However, there was a problem that did not work except for always fire.

I don't know how to set up the Redirect via Direct Reference.

How does it work? help me plz....


FlexSim 19.0.0
way-point-delay.fsm (27.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

The documentation is here.

"Trigger Requirement

A field that should return 1 if the Way Point should be fired, 0 if not."

You can open the trigger and check what it is evaluating.

The documenation for waypoint actions is here.

· 4
5 |100000

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Doris C avatar image Doris C commented ·

I saw the manual, but I don't understand. I don't know how to set the destination.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Doris C commented ·

Do you understand why it's not triggering unless you choose Always? Here are the triggering requirements.

Loaded at destination checks this:

agv.finalDestinationCP == currentCP && te.subnodes.length > 0

While empty at destination checks this:

agv.destinationCP == currentCP && te.subnodes.length == 0

Battery Level:

agv.batteryLevel < 50

Whereas 'Always' just return true - so the waypoint logic fires every tome.

You should not need to set the agv attributes listed here - they are set by the navigator and is usually the control point of the location where you're asking it to travel. In your example that's those associated with the Queues.

If you want to delay are non-task related control points then use Always or detect the arrival in a process flow and create a prempting delay task for the Task Executer.

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Doris C avatar image Doris C Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Can you show me an example in a flexsim file?

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