
Julius J2 avatar image
Julius J2 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Set Slot Stacking Order Rack using FlexScript

Hi! I want to make an easy dashboard to create array of rack. However, I have some difficulties in setting the rack properties, since I want to make the rack multi-deep. One of which is to set the Slot Stacking Order property. How can I set it using FlexScript? Thank you.


FlexSim 21.2.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The slot stacking order is represented by the "stackingAxis1-3" nodes in the racks variables.


These can be set using "object.setProperty("SlotStackingAxis1", value)". Possible values are the numbers 1-6 which represent the directions as follows: X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-

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Julius J2 avatar image Julius J2 commented ·
Thank you for your help! This would help me to set other properties. One more question, why is the setProperty first argument is "SlotStackingAxis1" and not "stackingAxis1" ?
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Julius J2 commented ·

When switching from the now deprecated "setVariable()" to "setProperty()" the developers chose to use different arguments rather than the node names. I can't say for certain why, possibly to be closer to the actual name that appears in the properties (for example the process time of the processor is now called "ProcessTime" instead of the previous "cycletime").

Generally, all available properties should be listed in the reference section of the user manual.

(Example for processor:

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