
Marzia C avatar image
Marzia C asked Marzia C commented

Patient Allocation


I want to build logic on Flexsim. No other patients will enter the isolation zone (for PCI 1) when any patients are present in that zone. But when the isolation zone is empty, PCI 2 patients can enter in isolation zone.

How to build that logic?

I really appreciate the help.


FlexSim 21.1.5
patient flow
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Marzia C commented

Hello @Marzia C,

There are several concepts that I implemented to accomplish this. When you are reviewing the model, If I seem to have missed one in my explanation please let me know.

For starters all the beds have a label called Iso on it to indicate whether or not an isolation patient is using a bed in that area.


I implemented a pull from list activity that looks at the beds and check for an empty bed that has an Isolation label set to 0. You will notice that this activity has a max wait timer set on it and the tokens cycle through it till they successfully pull a label. Every time a token enters the activity it reevaluates the list. If this cycle was not implemented then the token would stay on the activity even though a bed became available. Normally the list would be reevaluated when a new value is pushed to the list, however this does not occur in your model. The list always has all the locations on it and the labels are dynamic.


The next parts that I will explain are to control setting the label on the Isolation beds.

When a patient enters the isolation block of activities all the beds will have the Iso label set to 1. The sub flow looks at the number of beds in the isolation group and creates a token for each bed and assigns a bed to each token. The tokens then run through the sub flow that assigns the labels on the bed to 1.


The last part of the isolation activity block uses a custom code activity to look at the list of locations. It queries for each bed that has an owner that is in the isolation group. The next line looks to see how many beds it found and returns that as a label to the token.


The token then goes through a decide activity to check to see if that label set above is zero and if so then no isolation patients are in the isolation area and all the Iso labels on the bed can be set to zero.



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