
Meng,Li avatar image
Meng,Li asked Meng,Li commented

How to show bundle data on flowitem through a GUI?


I assign bundle data to the flowitem when created, and i want to show it to the user who run the model.Though i have tried some methods, i still can't figure out how to implement this.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

FlexSim 22.0.1
guiflowitem gui
001.fsm (29.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Meng,Li commented

You need to set the table viewfocus to the item's label:


In the model I also re-added the OnClick and guifocusclass to the new flowitem, Box2.


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Meng,Li avatar image Meng,Li commented ·
Thank you very much! Jason, this is what i want.
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