
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Lambert commented

Pull requirements

Hi, could anyone help me with this question?

I am simulating a robot placing boxes in pallets based on different destinations (colored queues).

1646909151421.pngI use a pull from list strategy, where the robot places a box in the corresponding colored queue based on the correct destination, and then the box moves directly into the combiner.


How can I do so that the colored queue does not pull from the list, unless there is already an empty pallet placed in the combiner?

thank you for your help

FlexSim 22.1.0
list pullcombiners
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1 Answer

José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered Lambert commented

Hello @Lambert,

Probably in your example you can use ProcessFlow. See example: Example_PullList.fsm.

The logic:

  • Push to list using 3D logic.
  • Create PF logic:
    • OnEntry pallet start pull.
    • Pull Qty necessary.
    • Move pallet completed to next station

I hope I have been helpful.

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Lambert avatar image Lambert commented ·

Thank you Jose Antonio, that was very helpful.

How can I do to move the boxes via the Robot in process flow?

The "move object" activity is "teleporting" the item, hence is not using the robot.

thank you

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Lambert commented ·
Create a load and unload task for the robot.
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José Antonio MD avatar image José Antonio MD Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
  • The Puller is "who is trying to pull from list". In this case Puller is token.Queue (see source in ProcessFlow). This is parametric and can be "Queue1", "Queue2" or "Queue3".


  • In your example, I'm using a label in the queue to filter. "Puller.Type" is reference to the label Type in Queue1, Queue2 or Queue3.
  • To use a robot: see example (use a resource, acquire, send task and release it).Example_PullList_Robot.fsm

I hope I have been helpful.

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