
Annyc L avatar image
Annyc L asked Ryan Clark commented

person can't not walk to waiting line when 3D object is binding on plane

Hi all,

Here is a question about person walk in A* system and the behavior when towarding to waiting line.

To control objects easily, we grouped some objects on plane. However, we found that when objects are grouped with plane, person can't not access the waiting line. Person will emerge in the waiting line after they walked to the edge of the A* control area. Further more, we found this situation only occurs in waiting line.

I do some simple examples and wonder if there is a solution of this situation.

  1. queue3 is binding on plane and person can't access waiting line.
  2. queue2 is not binding on plane and person can access waiting line.
  3. queue4 is binding on plane and person can access queue5.

Thank you.


FlexSim 21.2.0
a starwaiting linegroup objects
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

When a person walks to a waiting line the line tells the person where the back of the line is so the person doesn't walk to the object and then back to the end of the line. However, it looks like it's returning the position of the end of the line in model space coordinates and not in the person's container's coordinate space. You can get the people to walk to the right place by moving them into the model space before telling them to walk to the line.


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