
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Braydn T commented

How to make patient use waiting line

In the attached model, I can't make the patients use the waiting line before registration.

I've been trying for 3 hours. I compared to another model that I built a few years back on an older version and it worked perfectly but not in this one. I compared patient flow details and flowchart and I can't find out why it doesn't work now.

A pointer would help.



FlexSim HC 5.1.0
waiting line
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Michael Machado avatar image
Michael Machado answered Matthew Gillespie commented

You can even choose 'Standard Entrance Criteria' and select "YES" for 'Allow patients walking unattended to enter regardless of their assigned destination'. That should work and it's more "appropriate".

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Olga H avatar image
Olga H answered Braydn T commented

Hello @Michael Machado, I am having exactly the same problem but with the 20.0.02 version. I do not have the option of "Allow Any Patient". Is there maybe another solution?

My model is unfortunately too big to upload.

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Michael Machado avatar image
Michael Machado answered

Attached is your model fixed. Just select the waiting line and in its properties, select "Alow Any Patient". Thanks, 4802-endoscopie-v1-200117mm.fsm

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