I would like to create a processor with in front of it: a drawer. The drawer have 2 positions and can have 2 items. 1 in each position.
On the drawer: 1 position is always in front of processor and can not be load/unloaded by crane, it can only transfert item to processor, once processor job is finish it send back the item to same drawer's position.
In the meantime, the other drawer's position is free, available for loading or dowloading with the crane.
The item flow is the following:
- loading to drawer position 1 with crane
- moving drawer up (duration = 1s)
- transfert item to processor (instantaneous)
- processor is working (12s) (drawer can not move during processing); in parallel: drawer position 2 is loaded with next item
- transfert item to drawer position 1 (instantaneous)
- move drawer down
- unload item from drawer's position 1; in parallel: next item is processing
... loop everything
Can you help me to build htis model?