
Milosz S2 avatar image
Milosz S2 asked Joerg Vogel commented

How AStar works

Hi, I made a model and wanted to path my operators the way they don't go into racks. I tried AStar navigators like divider, preffered path and mandatory path, but no one works. Is this case with my process logic or I'm using Astar the wrong way?ecom.fsm

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Racks must be members of A*Star. Otherwise they are like are air.

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Milosz S2 avatar image Milosz S2 commented ·
Ok, that's helpful, thanks. But, if I make them a preffered or mandatory track alongside the rack, then shouldn't operators walk that way and don't walk into racks? Because even if I make the racks members of A*, the transporter still goes halfway through the rack.
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Milosz S2 commented ·
That is a result of Offset Travel to pick or place flow items.

Please check also your A*Star Grid. If Grid nodes are near your object, a transporter can still acquire those near nodes. A taskexecuter travels from its center to a grid node. You can insert planes in your A*Star grid, make them members and put on them your racks. Then your rack requires more grid nodes.
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