
Alexander F avatar image
Alexander F asked Alexander F commented

How can i set right travel sequece by crane when navigation is activated?


Hello I need your help.

I have used several cranes in my model to simulate some drones. I have only left the hook visible and replaced by a corresponding shape, see enclosed model. Since the drones are supposed to fly certain items, I have activated the AStar navigation. But the problem is now that the lift, drop and travel does not work as intended. When traveling, the hook (dron) is moved at the ground and not in the air. Only the crane without navigation moves in the right way, but can not avoid objects. But I want the hook travels in the air and still navigates the shortest way around objects. How can I change this?

FlexSim 17.1.4
task executerastarcrane movementcranesnavigation
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Alexander F commented

There isn't a problem with the version. The problem lays inside the standard transport tasksequence. The task sequence contains two tasks of TASKTYPE_TRAVEL which force the taskexecuter travel to the load and then to the unload object. But the Crane moves only in the defined strategy in OFFSET TRAVEL. Those two travel task are obsolete for the transport. You have to delete them or set them inactive by changing the type for example to a TASKTYPE_TAG. I found this answer when I tried to let a transporter do the flight. In The UAV_Crane163 I have changed the travel tasks to the tag tasks in the OnReceiveTaskSequence trigger. Then the UAV behaves as expected.

  1. if(ts.subnodes.length == 5){
  2. changetask(ts,1,TASKTYPE_TAG);
  3. changetask(ts,4,TASKTYPE_TAG);
  4. }

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