
Drake M2 avatar image
Drake M2 asked Joerg Vogel answered

Stacking With Crane


I was wondering if it's possible to use a crane to stack and de-stack boxes instead of using the normal combiner and separator, and how you would go about implementing the functionality. Thank you!

FlexSim 20.0.2
cranecrane movementboxescranescrane task sequence control
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

A combiner does three jobs.

  • Wait to receive an item through input port 1.
  • Move items into first entered item through input ports larger than one by recipe table.
  • Setup and process the item.

On Exit there is an option how you move the content of first item out:

  • Pack: just release the first entered item.
  • Join: delete the content of first entered item.
  • Batch: release first the content and at last the first entered item.

Yes, it is possible to do the same with a crane.

  1. unload an item that would be unloaded through input port number one,
  2. let the item stay until process stacking is complete,
  3. move or unload items by recipe table into the first unloaded item and
  4. delay for a process time interval.
  5. Finally you execute a node that does the options join or batch.
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