
Helen avatar image
Helen asked Jeanette F commented

wait for an event by condition


I've created an object process flow, that triggers when a box covers a PE. Based on some conditions, the box stops or sinks. The box resumes when a model variable reaches a threshold. I've managed to resume the object after a time, but I'm don't know how to write a variable-based condition.


Thank you,

FlexSim 22.1.0
wait for eventconditional decide
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Myriam Srdg

I wrote two examples of a decide conditionally examining a variable. One is a global variable. The other is a tracked variable.


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Marcello Rosadini avatar image
Marcello Rosadini answered

Hi Myriam,

probably the easiest way is by using a label on the item.

Hope this model can help

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