
Pablo C36 avatar image
Pablo C36 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

visualization sequence of operations

Good morning, I show you my simulation to see if you can help me, the process consists of 3 operations followed by which the car has to move forward, I would like to improve the appearance so that the car visually looks like it moves, and does not disappear and it appears, I had thought of adding a conveyor, the problem is that the conveyor makes the car move forward even though the next operation has not finished.

On the other hand, in the third operation, the times follow a normal distribution. Could the vehicle be stopped at one point during that time and the remaining time at another? that is to say, that the first 90 seconds stop where it says P1 and the rest in P2.

FlexSim 22.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You can use the area restriction mechanic that the conveyor points (decision point, photo eye, station) offer, to have items wait until the next section is free.

A simple setup would be to have the item (try to) enter the next area when the station process finishes. When it continues, so it has entered the next area, it can leave the current one.

I often add conditions to the triggers that check whether there actually is an inObject/outObject. This way the same triggers can be used on all stations, instead of needing slightly altered ones on the first and last (first doesn't exit, last doesn't enter area).


To split the processing time between two stations, you could determine the total time in the "On Arrival" trigger and write it to a label on the item. Then use that label as the processing time.



1649242994207.png (8.8 KiB)
1649243088189.png (28.6 KiB)
conveyor-areas.fsm (41.5 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Another technique to consider is the "task executer as a flowitem". For this you'd change the truck flow item to your car shape and then create that on the source. All fixed resources should then have UseTransport checked and select the option "TaskExecuter as Flowitem".

Example attached.


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