
Marc R5 avatar image
Marc R5 asked José Antonio MD edited

Use parameter to decide when to import from excel


I am dealing with a model, meanwhile we are creating a custom db to import the data.

To make tests I use also an excel model to import data.

For the db import, I create a parameter and a custom code so I can decide if I import from the db or not, with a simple conditional.

Is something similar for the excel import?

I see that in the excel import/export menu there is a post import code option, but I would like to be able to do it in custom codes and using parameter, specially for the import decision.


FlexSim 22.1.1
custom codeexcel importparameters
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1 Answer

José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered José Antonio MD edited

Hello @Marc R5,

You can use a parameter condition (f.ex.: if....else...) and if the condition is tue,use the following code to import excel files:


I hope I have been helpful.

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