
shanice.c avatar image
shanice.c asked shanice.c commented

Reinforcement learning example

Hello, recently I'm following this tutorial to train a reinforcement learning algorithm, and now I'm up to train a reinforcement learning algorithm step. Here's my problem, it stops at Initializing FlexSim environment... here for a while. I cannot see Python from TaskManager, so I cannot tell if it's running. I thought I've installed the module named 'gym' and packages 'stable_baselines3'. Thank you for your time!



FlexSim 22.0.0
reinforcement learning
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered shanice.c commented

Did you follow the steps in the "Testing the Environment Connection" section? Did everything work properly during that step?

Did you properly modify the paths in the script to point to your FlexSim installation and model file correctly?

Adjust the verbose variable to True in the script and run it again so that it logs more information in the output.

Additionally, you can also adjust the visible variable to True in that script and run it to make the FlexSim process visible, which may also be helpful in debugging what is going wrong if something within the model is having issues.

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