
Kj311 avatar image
Kj311 asked Kj311 commented

list issues and how to rename a general process flow

Hi I'm trying to use lists following the instructions verbatum

But, I"m only seeing activities in the first plane. Also, it seems to be stuck at the "Push to List" stage. So, what am I missing here?

Also, is there any way you can rename the general process flow? Thank you.


FlexSim 22.0.0
listslist pullpush to list
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Kj311 commented

The tokens in the 'Push to List' activity aren't stuck, but waiting for the value they pushed to pulled off the list. This is the default behaviour which can be changed in the activity's options (Use Max Wait Timer + Keep On List On Early Release).

The issue in your model seems to be that no token is generated in the third section of the process flow. It'd be much easier to help if you could upload your model.

To rename the process flow, simply click somewhere in the empty space within it. This will bring up the process flow properties on the right hand side, where you can rename it as you would any other object.

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