
Kj311 avatar image
Kj311 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Stuck at "push to List" and renaming the general process flow

Hi I'm trying to use lists following the instructions verbatum

But, I"m only seeing activities in the first plane. Also, it seems to be stuck at the "Push to List" stage. So, what am I missing here?

Also, is there any way you can rename the general process flow? Thank you.


FlexSim 22.0.0
listspush to listcreate load uload
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1 Answer

Rajneesh Maurya avatar image
Rajneesh Maurya answered

For renaming the general process flow click on the blank space in the process flow tab and in the right hand side in properties window rename the name.

If you are not able to push the list make sure your source is generating token at the given condition, check the condition once.

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