
Alina A3 avatar image
Alina A3 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Build the model

Hi everyone! I need help with this task, the problem is that I don't know how to build it( If you can't help, please advice me, where can I ask such questin. Thank you so much for helping!

My task:

At the site of heat treatment is performed cementation and hardening of gears which arrive in 10 ± 5 minutes. Cementation takes 10 ± 7 minutes, and hardening - 10 ± 6 minutes. The quality of processing is determined by the total time processing. Gears with a processing time of more than 25 minutes leave the site, with a processing time of 20 to 25 minutes are transferred to re-hardening, and with time of processing less than 20 minutes must be repeated. Details with a total processing time of less than 20 minutes considered the second grade. Determine the probability of complete and partial processing. During the release of products without re processing less than 90% provide on-site activities that give a guaranteed yield of first grade 90%.

FlexSim 22.0.3
modellingmodel buildingagent based modellingmodellmassive models
· 2
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1 Answer

Krystian K avatar image
Krystian K answered

Hi Alina,

It looks like this question may be part of a homework assignment or academic project. Please, see below, what is the attitude of this community toward this type of inquiry.

All the best and good luck with your project!

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