
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Average Hourly utilization Chart for Day?

Hi Team,

I have captured in and out time for a process along with weekday. I want to plot avg hourly utilization chart for each weekday (Mon, Tue) from this data on dashboard as below:


Is there any way to do it?

Thank you!


FlexSim 21.0.10
weekdayhourly utilization chart
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Your approach is definately valid. But as you noted, it requires quite a bit of coding to extract the utilization from the in-out-times.

I will suggest an alternative approach; to measure the utilization directly while the model is running.

In the attached file I added a kinetic tracked variable label to the process flow. The value of such a label can continuously change with a set rate (for example by +40 per hour).

When a token enters the relevant section of the process a token to measure its impact on the utilization is created. This token increases the rate at which the variable changes by +1. When the main token exits or waits for more than hour the rate is decremented again, essentially counting the impact the token had on the utilization (60min -> the value has increased by 60 -> the token is counted for the whole hour; 25min -> the value has increased by 25 -> the token is counted for 5/12 of the hour).

The utilization token then creates another token which will mimic the rates changes but the other way around (first -1 than back to 0) and with an offset of one hour. So one hour after the main token has left, its impact on the utilization is back to 0.

The tracked variable essentially measures the total time (in model time units) tokens spend in the delay activity in the last hour as a 'rolling' value. This also has the advantage that you can grab the current value at any time, not just the full hour, to get a rolling average and a smoother curve (for example, at 9:45, the value would show the occupation time between 8:45-9:45). Dividing the value by the model time units per hour then gives the utilization.

The attached model also contains a statistics collector that feeds a line graph which plots the utilization split by week day. To be able to split the graph by weekday, the day is noted in an extra column of the collector's table. To be able to average over multiple weeks, the 'row value' is a combination of the weekday and the measure time. So as long as the measure times stay constant for each week, the previous values can be updated rather than adding a new row.

For this, one more column tracks how many weeks are already included in the current value. So to get the total average you can calculate (previousValue * weeks + currentValue)/(weeks+1).

(gif shows the updating graph on the second monday)




The model uses the actual model date rather than the 'weekday' token label, thus the first graph is for tuesday (19th april 2022, 'Dienstag', because german Windows)

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