
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked Ben Wilson answered

Problem activating the license in a server

A client has activated the license in a server suscecfully but two weeks later it has stopped working. It´s showing the next image.


He has checked and Flexnet FlexSim is activated on windows.

What can be causing this issue?

FlexSim 16.1.2
licensing server
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

He has checked and Flexnet FlexSim is activated on windows.

By this do you mean that the license is still properly listed, trusted, and enabled when you go to Tools>View License Rights in flexsimserveractutil.exe?

You should consider uninstalling that old version of lmadmin and either using lmtools or the latest version of lmadmin (requires a separate Java install).

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