
Tomaz B avatar image
Tomaz B asked Jason Lightfoot commented

VR Not working

By trying to use VR HTC viva I got this massage

4a05f37a-22f5-495c-a09e-d3ec8f2f56e6.png Any idea what is wrong?I use FlexSim 22.1.2 and laptop ASUS Rog

FlexSim 22.1.2
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1 Answer

Tomaz B avatar image
Tomaz B answered Jason Lightfoot commented

I have solve it with the setting:

File-global preferences-Open GL contest and I have also changed nVidia settings, that it uses the nVidia graphic card when using VR and with

treenode view = views (). Find ("active> Documents / Perspective / 1 + / ~");

in "User commends" OnPrewDrew

Kind regards, Tomaž

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