
Dustin B avatar image
Dustin B asked Dustin B commented

Change Empirical Distribution via Parameter Option for PF Create Object

Piggy backing off Q&A:
Per @Logan Gold request

I am trying to do something similar, instead of changing a source I am changing Create Object quantity in process flow.

I managed to get the first part right (I think) which is setting each option to their respective distributions. However I don't know how to set up the Process Flow Create Object task to reference the Option Parameter correctly.

Option Parameter with the 3 options for the 3 Emp Dist's:

Create Object referencing the Optioned Parameter, but not sure how to assign the arguments?


FlexSim 22.1.2
process flowcreate objectoptional parameter
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Dustin B commented

In your model parameter it's set up to pass the first parameter into the getstream() command to get a unique stream number for the object calling the distribution.


So you just need to pass "activity" in as the first parameter when you use that model parameter.



· 3
5 |100000

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