
Jhon Alexander SD avatar image
Jhon Alexander SD asked Jhon Alexander SD answered

How to create boxes in the Process Flow?

I need to create boxes, where type 1 box is created in rack 3 and 4 and type 2 is created in rack 1 and 2. make a model try to group them by group the rack but it doesn't work for me.

FlexSim 19.2.3
process flowrackgroupscreate objectboxes
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zacharyh avatar image
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zacharyh answered Jhon Alexander SD commented
@Jhon Alexander SD

There are many different ways to solve your problem using process flow. I have a attached a model using 2 different ways, that I believe will answer your question.


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Jhon Alexander SD avatar image
Jhon Alexander SD answered

hello, I want to add a 3 group I do the same logic but I don't run the 3 rack group


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