
G C avatar image
G C asked G C commented

Operator group with state change event troubleshoot


I have a backorder re-evaluation event on my operators and they should be pushed to the list (see under "MainFlows" "opVaOutGrp" under the advanced view). I use this to acquire an idle "opVa" operator based on "isIdle" expression. It seems to work fine but will eventually break and only 1 of the 3 operators will be re-evaluated (seems to be after my "BatchAndTransport" subflow is used??).

If you watch the "opVa" operators after the "VaOut1" "routingNumber" process (see globaltable "processControl") this is where it starts to go haywire.

I can't for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong.

FlexSim 16.0.6
process flowgroups
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered G C commented

When I run your model these two tokens are quickly stranded here trying to Acquire stnMannix1.

As you can see the selected token has Acquired opVaOut1 and the other token has opVaOut2. These two operators are forever waiting for stnMannix1 to have no content but it never empties.

So it seems your problem isn't the "isIdle" expression. I hope this helps you figure out your problem.

troubleshoot.png (30.2 KiB)
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