Hello! I am working on a Emergency Department model, where I am trying to model out patients coming in, getting escorted by a nurse to a bed and getting some initial bloodwork, and then having the option of getting an EKG. At that point, I am releasing the nurse(staff) resource. The patient then has the option of getting a variety of treatments based on their label, or going straight to the consult with Physician step, which is the last step before they leave. For the consult with physician step, the same nurse who escorted to the patient to their bed initially and took their labs needs to be there again. To do this, I have ghosted the nurse from earlier, and reacquired it for the last step.. I'm trying to make the model so that when their is a decision for the nurse on whether to attend the last patient consult, or to escort a new patient, they always choose to do the consult. I'm trying to set this up based on priority scores. The priority for the last "acquire nurse" step right before the consult is a 200, while the priority score for the initial "acquire nurse" is 90, the the last one should trump it, but its not working right now. I've attached my model, so if anyone could go in and take a look it would be much appreciated, thank you!