
lili avatar image
lili Suspended asked lili Suspended commented

How to acquire a crane in different parts of the process flow using priorities

sample- acquire crane priority.fsm

I'm trying to create a logic in my process flow where different processors must work on the flow items in a certain order and the crane must transport the items between the processors. I want to know:

1) how to model the acquire crane activities (there are 3 of them and I want to give the highest priority to the last acquire crane activity and the lowest to the first one)

2) how to create a logic for the crane in order to unload flow items on the processors only when they're idle and there isn't a flow item on them that hasn't been moved (the capacity of each processor is 1 item and as long as there's a flow item on them the processors can't work on another)

3) as there are 2 type 3-processors, how can I create a logic where the crane and the operators move towards the processor that is empty and unload the flow items there after being acquired? I've seen this question but I don't know how to link 3D objects (fixed resources) to a list in the process flow, and I don't quite understand what to do for my case as they've used flexscript in said problem.

I'll upload a simpler version of my model here as well.

thanks in advance

FlexSim 22.2.0
acquire resourcelinking 3d to process flowprocess flow preemption with priority
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered lili Suspended commented


Use the Queue Strategy to order the requests by a label on the pulling tokens. Set this label before the tokens enter the Acquire activities.

2) & 3)

Add the processors to the process flow as a resource and acquire/release them as well. Furthermore, add Wait for Event activities, so that the tokens have to wait until the processors actually finish before the item is transported further.


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lili avatar image lili commented ·

Thanks very much @Felix Möhlmann my model runs perfectly!

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