I am trying to develop a method where resources are acquired in a Process Flow based upon the shared resource's physical distance from the token's referenced flowitem. I see the 'distance' expression field in the shared resources advanced properties. However, since the Puller is the token, it's distance is meaningless to the 3d model. I have been unsuccessful in trying to figure out how to pass a reference to the Puller's item which is in the 3D model and have the 'distance' field calculated on that. I would subsequently incorporate a query sorted by distance ascending.
In the attached model for illustration, I have 3 "A" processors and 3 "B" processors with 1 token in the process flow. After performing "Process B", the token needs to acquire an "A" processor to perform the "Process A-2" subflow. The nearest "A" processor is ProcessorA_1. However, ProcessorA_2 is acquired since it is next on the 'round robin' list.
Thank you