
jing.c avatar image
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jing.c asked jing.c commented

Why Global Resource can be acquired in different pf at the same time?

Hi everyone.

In my opinion, different PF should not acquire the same resource(operator) which is GLOBAL type at the same time. But It seems not like that, you can see sample model attached.

Do I misunderstand "Global Type" resource meaning?


Any advice will be appreciated.

FlexSim 18.0.7
process flowresourceacquire resource
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered jing.c commented

Global and Local reference how instances of that specific process flow are handled. This type variable only relates to the process flow the activity is in and does not link to other process flows. If you set it to global, all instances created of that process flow will only reference the single operator. If you made it local, it will create duplicates of that resource to handle individual instances.

Here is your model with the 2 queues attached to 1 process flow, toggle between local and global and you can see the difference. example.fsm

If you want to have all process flows reference a single resource, you can use the eyedropper to select a resource not in the current process flow. Here is an example where one process flow references another process flow's resource.


example.fsm (30.6 KiB)
example2.fsm (35.8 KiB)
· 1
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