
Stan Davis avatar image
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Stan Davis asked Stan Davis commented

Acquire Nearest Shared Resource

I am trying to develop a method where resources are acquired in a Process Flow based upon the shared resource's physical distance from the token's referenced flowitem. I see the 'distance' expression field in the shared resources advanced properties. However, since the Puller is the token, it's distance is meaningless to the 3d model. I have been unsuccessful in trying to figure out how to pass a reference to the Puller's item which is in the 3D model and have the 'distance' field calculated on that. I would subsequently incorporate a query sorted by distance ascending.

In the attached model for illustration, I have 3 "A" processors and 3 "B" processors with 1 token in the process flow. After performing "Process B", the token needs to acquire an "A" processor to perform the "Process A-2" subflow. The nearest "A" processor is ProcessorA_1. However, ProcessorA_2 is acquired since it is next on the 'round robin' list.

Thank you


FlexSim 16.2.0
process flowacquire resource
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Stan Davis commented

If you need more flexibility, you can always use the List which allows you to change the puller.

To fix your current model, all you need to do is change the way it's calculating the distance value. Instead of doing it based upon the puller, calculate the distance based upon a label on the puller. In the Expression field on the Resource:

  1. treenode value = param(1);
  2. treenode puller = param(2);
  3. treenode entry = param(3);
  4. double pushTime = param(4);
  7. if (!objectexists(puller))
  8. return -1;
  10. //Use the item instead of the token
  11. puller = getlabel(puller, "item");
  13. updatelocations(puller);
  14. updatelocations(up(value));
  16. ....
· 3
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