
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Stan Davis commented

Determine currently acquired resources

What is the preferred method of determining whether a token has acquired a shared resource or not?

In custom code, I need to determine if a given token has acquired certain resources. I currently test whether the node name returns 'NULL' or not. This works but seems inefficient...

if (getname(getlabel(token,"myresource")) == "NULL") { // do something }



FlexSim 16.2.0
process flowacquire resource
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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Stan Davis commented

If the label exists when you have acquired the resource and doesn't exist if you haven't, then the following two lines would return true if the resource has been acquired.

  1. getlabel(token, "myresource") != nullvar
  2. or
  3. objectexists(label(token, "myresource"))
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Stan Davis commented

@Stan Davis If your resource is a 3D object you can use objectexists()

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