
Ankith T avatar image
Ankith T asked Student590 commented

How to use Traffic Signal Logic in AGV Network

Is there any way that traffic signal logic can be implemented on agv 2 way aisle.

lets say we have a agv path as shown in below picture.


when forward going vehicle reaches the 2-Way aisle, they should check the traffic signal logic should apply and if its red then forward going vehicles should stop at a place where it marked blue.


Then it should wait until traffic lights turn green, until then the 2-way aisle should allow vehicle flowing left.

same logic should apply for the vehicles moving left side.

FlexSim 21.1.5
agvcontrol pointstraffic controlcontrol areatraffic light
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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·

Hi @Ankith T ,

Maybe this old post has some information for a possible solution for this. The question looks very similar to yours.

Claim two-way AGV path for one direction - FlexSim Community

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Student590 commented

My suggestion would be to add the signal control points as agv waypoints. The attached logic can then have the agvs wait based on a label value on the control point.


In the attached model, the 'state' label shows if the signal is currently green or red. If it is red, a second label 'greenTime' shows the model at which it will turn green again. This is used to determine for how long the agv should wait.

The switching of states is done in a simple process flow.



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Ankith T avatar image Ankith T commented ·
thanks for the solution this helps a lot, but can i know 2 things,

1. how are you able to allow multiple agv on 2-way aisle without using control points over there?

2. how those traffic lights are changing?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Ankith T commented ·

1. The first control points after the path splits again are set to allow up to 8 simultaneous allocations.


2. That is also part of the process flow. The second activity in each block updates the labels on the respective control point. The last one changes the color of the object next to them.


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Ankith T avatar image Ankith T commented ·
thank you so much, this helped me a lot
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Ankith T avatar image Ankith T commented ·
how can i change the traffic light time, as of now lights are changing every 15 seconds, what if i want it to be 30 or 60, what are the parameters i have to change to achieve that.
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Ankith T commented ·

The delay times in the process flow.

1655839822050.pngThe text is the state of the system for the delay time next to it. The name of the two activities after the delay describes the change afterwards (starts with 'west green', after 15s west switches to red so then the state is 'both red' and so on).


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Ankith T avatar image Ankith T Felix Möhlmann commented ·

thank you, i have one more question, can you explain what those triggers means in waypoints. just want know how thus whole logic is working what those commands means.1656009226404.png

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Student590 avatar image Student590 commented ·
Hi Felix, will you be able to guide me on how to create this traffic flow?
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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

@Ankith T If you use 'Control Area' object in two-way zone, you can solve your issue.

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