
Donald C avatar image
Donald C asked Donald C commented

Skipping Multiprocessor steps to represent routing

Is it possible to use a multi processor to simulate a welding booth? In my simulation, there are 3 different functions; welding, fabrication, and furnace. Wondering if the multiple processes you place in a multiprocessor have to be done sequentially? I wanted to see if I could use the process number in the multiprocessor to put all the different types of welds, or fabrications and their cycle times. So in all id like 3 multiprocessors. Each represents a separate function( Weld, fab, or furnace). Within the Weld multiprocessor, I would like to add all process steps and cycle times that have to do with welding. The same would be done with fabrication and furnace.

The part I'm stuck on is if I can make the flow item complete only step 2 in the weld multiprocessor then go to step 1 in the fabrication multiprocessor then back to weld for step 5 and so on. Not sure if this makes sense.

FlexSim 21.2.4
multiprocessorflowitem routingconditional processing in multiprocessor
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Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K answered Donald C commented

I've created a model that uses processors like Janette suggested.



In each subflow, the processing time is changed with the following code snippet:

  1. Model.find("Weld>variables/cycletime").value = 15;

With "Weld" being the name of the processor and the value "15" being whatever you want. The logic tree on the left can be customized to run subflows in whatever order you want, include decision branches, etc.

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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Donald C,

I think it would be best to use processors for each part of each process. Then you will be able to send flowitems to the different steps. You will not be able to achieve what you are looking for with a multiprocessor.

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