
Donghuang L2 avatar image
Donghuang L2 asked Donghuang L2 commented

Question on Tutorial Task Logic 1.3 Step 4

Hi, I have an issue learning tutorial task logic 1.3 (using version 22.1):
According to the tutorial, by the end of step 4, the process of section 1.3 (task using lists) is supposed to be the same as that of section 1.2 (task using process flow). However, I observed inconsistencies between the two models. In the 1.2 model the operators wait for the service of the processor, but in the 1.3 model the operators just unload the boxes to the processors and start the next task (with no waiting for the processors). I believe I was following the exact steps and cannot figure out the cause. Attached is my model file that include models 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.


FlexSim 22.1.2
tutorialstask logic tutorial 1.3
tasklogic.fsm (84.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Donghuang L2 commented

You are correct. The logic is slightly different between the different approaches. The tutorial text is wrong in saying that they are identical.

The logic that uses the list does not take the state of the processor into account. If the process time was longer, you would actually see multiple items being processed at the same time.

To have the models run identically, you can insert a 'Wait for Event' after unloading the item onto the processor. This can be used to hold the token until the process finishes.


Conversely, you could increase the maximum allowed content of the processors of the previous section, so a new task sequence can be generated before the item finishes processing. This would have the logic behave like the one with the list does.


1656066089836.png (38.3 KiB)
tasklogic-1.fsm (84.0 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Donghuang L2 avatar image Donghuang L2 commented ·

Thank you very much, Felix. I have also implemented your solution to step 5 and 6, and the model works as expected.

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